Sunday, April 29, 2012

Birds of Prey.

Woah. Been a while, hasn't it? I'm really bad about keeping up with my blog, as you can tell. Things in sunny California have been great, busy and stressful and crazy and fun and great. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how quickly the time has passed. Less than a month left at TOMS, and then it's back to good ol' Kansas City! I've been busy looking for jobs and working on my portfolio and just considering the future in general. Is it just me or do you never feel prepared for any next big step in your life? I guess life would be pretty boring if you were prepared for everything, though. Hmm...deep thoughts today.

Aside from work at TOMS, I've been working on some illustrations and whatnot. Also, I made these today for funzies. Hoorah for patterns!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I came to LA to make rock and roll...

...but seriously, I came to LA for a digital design internship at TOMS Shoes...which I think is pretty rock and roll.

I've been living in California for almost 2 weeks now and just finished up my first week of work (aside from the mind-numbing two days of orientation the week before) at TOMS. Can I tell you how awesome my job is? Because it's awesome.

Luckily I haven't been here too long so I can still do touristy stuff and not feel like such a dweeb. (Yeah, I said dweeb...what of it?) I've been exploring the city with my roommates and fellow interns. We've explored Venice and Santa Monica, and we hiked to the Hollywood sign. Most importantly, of course, we saw Fabio at Whole Foods. Yeah...I're jealous.

Oh, and there's this. I only live about 2 miles from the beach. So that's a plus.